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Service Manual PCC3201 PDF: Learn How to Fix Common Generator Problems

HOW TO OBTAIN SERVICEAlways give the complete Model,Specification andSerial number of the generator set as shown onthenameplate when seeking additional service infor-mation orreplacement parts. The nameplate is lo-cated on the side of thegenerator output box.

WARNING Incorrect service or replacement ofparts can result insevere personal injury ordeath, and/or equipment damage. Serviceper-sonnel must be trained and experienced to per-form electricaland mechanical service. Readand follow Important SafetyInstructions, onpages iii and iv.

service manual pcc3201 pdf

When the fault code is acknowledged and cor-rected, the recordedfault will be deleted from theLED fault log, but will remain in adata log that main-tains a fault code history. (The InPower servicetoolis required to view this data log.)

In the Manual position, the CB can only be closedby using thisbutton. When manually closed and theCB opens, it must be closedagain by using this but-ton. To close the CB, press and hold thebutton untilthe symbol indicates a closed CB. (CB close will oc-curonly when setup conditions allow dead bus orgenerator synchronizedwith bus.)

Up to 32 (unacknowledged) fault codes can bestored in controlpanel memory. After the fault is ac-knowledged and corrected, therecorded fault willbe deleted from the control panel memory, butwillremain in a data log that maintains a fault code his-tory. (TheInPower service tool is required to viewthis data log.)

In the Manual position, the CB must be closed bythis button.When manually closed and the CBopens, it must be closed again byusing this button.To close the CB, press and hold the button untilthesymbol indicates a closed CB. (CB close will occuronly whensetup conditions allow dead bus orgenerator synchronized withbus.)

The Setup submenus are intended for qualified ser-vice personnelonly. The Adjust submenu is in-tended for qualified service andsite personnel only.For this reason, a password must be enteredbeforethis data can be modified. The Setup and Adjustsubmenus canbe viewed, but not modified withoutentering the correctpassword.

The sync check (permissive) function is operationalin bothautomatic and manual (RUN) modes. Thecontrol will make sure thatthe generator set is atproper voltage, within the defined synccheck win-dow for the defined period of time and that phaserotationis correct. When all criteria are met, the par-alleling breaker isclosed automatically by the con-trol (auto mode), or by operationof the breakerclose switch by the operator (manual mode).

The Adjust submenus are intended for qualifiedservice personneland site personnel only and mayrequire a USER password. If apassword is re-quired, the USER password menu will appear whenyoutry to modify the Adjust submenus. (Refer toPASSWORD Menu in thissection to enter pass-word.

WARNING Contacting high voltage compo-nents can causeelectrocution, resulting in se-vere personal injury or death.Calibration andadjustment must be performed by technicallyqualifiedpersonnel only. Read and observe allWARNINGS and CAUTIONS in yourgeneratorset manuals.

display of the genset that is running when the bus isenergized.If it is necessary to adjust the output volt-age display of thegenset that is running, the InPowerservice tool must be used toswitch off the synchro-nizer function of the control.

The PowerCommand control automatically synchro-nizes to thesystem bus when bus voltage is avail-able and the genset isrunning. Consequently, it isnot possible to calibrate the gensetbus voltage dis-play of the genset that is running when the bus isen-ergized. If it is necessary to adjust the bus voltagedisplay ofthe genset that is running, the InPowerservice tool must be used toswitch off the synchro-nizer function of the control.

The purpose of this manual is to provide the users with sound,general information. It is for guidance andassistance withrecommendations for correct and safe procedures. Cummins PowerGeneration Limited

The information contained within the manual is based oninformation available at the time of going to print. Inline withCummins Power Generation Limited policy of continuous developmentand improvement,information may change at any time without notice.The users should therefore ensure that beforecommencing any work,they have the latest information available.

1.1 Warning, Caution and Note Styles Used In This ManualThefollowing safety styles found throughout this manual indicatepotentially hazardous conditionsto the operator, service personnelor the equipment.

Before operating the generator set, read this manual and becomefamiliar with it and theequipment. Safe and efficient operation canbe achieved only if the equipment is properly operatedandmaintained. Many accidents are caused by failure to followfundamental rules andprecautions.

All generator sets have a twelve months warranty from thecommissioning date as standard.Extended warranty coverage is alsoavailable. In the event of a breakdown prompt assistancecannormally be given by factory trained service engineers withfacilities to undertake all minor andmany major repairs toequipment on site.

Agents and representatives in almost 100 countriesthroughout the world offer installation and aftersales service forthe equipment provided. Your authorised distributor can provide thename andaddress of the agent for your specific location.

The InPower service tool is required to enable or disable theSleep mode. When shipped from thefactory, the Sleep mode isdisabled. When disabled, the operating software will alwaysremainactive (Awake mode) when the control is in Auto mode.

In the Manual position, the CB can only be closed by using thisbutton. When manually closed andthe CB opens, it must be closedagain by using this button. To close the CB, press and holdthebutton until the symbol indicates a closed CB. (CB close willoccur only when set-up conditionsallow - dead bus or generator setsynchronised with bus).

Up to 32 (unacknowledged) fault codes can be stored in controlpanel memory. Following Faultacknowledgement and correction, it isdeleted from the control panel memory. However, it remainsin a datalog that maintains the fault code history. (The InPower servicetool is required to view thisdata log).

The Adjust submenu is intended for qualified service personneland site personnel only and mayrequire a USER password.If a password is required, the USER password menu willappear whenyou try to modify the Adjust submenu. (Refer to PasswordMenu in Section 4.11 to enterpassword). 2ff7e9595c

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